XDD Environmental offers remedial system operation and maintenance services to our clients with remedial systems that have been designed and implemented by XDD or from a legacy consultant.
Current remedial systems that XDD is responsible for the maintenance and operation are:
- Air sparging and soil vapor extraction
- Thermally enhanced soil vapor extraction
- Hydraulic containment
- Enhanced bioremediation via oxygen injection
Optimization Services
With many remedies in place for 10, 15 or even 20 years and operations, maintenance and monitoring (OM&M) costs increasing each year, XDD understands our clients’ need for efficient, cost-effective solutions that will expedite the remediation process and reduce future liability. To meet this need, XDD offers OM&M optimization programs whose objective is to deliver significant cost savings to the client by evaluating and optimizing sites that are within or entering the OM&M phase.
XDD Environmental’s staff has reviewed, designed or evaluated remedial systems for hundreds of sites within the United States and around the world. Our approach to OM&M optimization is grounded in a systematic analysis to determine potential cost savings in a number of key categories. At its core, the optimization program utilizes a database to store key site data, which then allows XDD to analyze the potential results and cost savings that can be derived from changes in the site management process.
Examples of key categories which are analyzed as part of the optimization program include:
- Understanding efficiencies that can be achieved by streamlining OM&M activities across several sites
- Decreasing long-term operation expenditures by replacing less efficient components
- Evaluating site monitoring and sampling needs, such as frequency, data management and permit requirements.
- Reviewing current and alternative remedial technologies and their associated parameters (i.e., remedial endpoints; system reliability; equipment upgrades) to determine annual and projected life-cycle costs.
Whether it’s streamlining sampling operations or evaluating the remedy selection, XDD Environmental is committed to improving remedial performance at your sites and reducing your bottom line.