Our Staff has Over 30 Years of Providing Results Oriented Soil and Groundwater
Remediation to Our Clients
XDD Environmental is a consulting firm that focuses on the evaluation, design, and implementation of diverse environmental remediation technologies for soil and groundwater. The qualitative services provided by our team of experienced engineers and scientists gives us a remarkable edge above our competitors here in the United States and internationally. It is our sincere intention to bring this wealth of experience and work ethic to each of our clients.
A sampling of the remediation technologies we have innovated and successfully implemented for our clients are:
Why Choose XDD Environmental?
Consider the cost of doing the same job twice:
All of our remedial services are supported by our in-house bench testing and treatability laboratory. The ability to bench test each of these remediation technologies prior to implementation, allows XDD Environmental to both identify failure mechanisms and refine anticipated costs. These technologies are discussed in detail at EPA.gov, and some successful bench test case studies are summarized here.
Soil and groundwater remediation failures can be identified and avoided with proper treatability testing, design, and most importantly an experienced staff that understands how to adjust to site conditions during design and implementation stages.
XDD Principals have been focused in the design and implementation of soil and groundwater remediation since subsurface remediation first gained traction in the early 1980’s. Our reputation as remediation specialists within the industry drives our clients to seek out our services, especially at high profile or technically difficult sites.
National Recognition for our Expertise and Experience with Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technologies
XDD Environmental and Partner Consultants Win ENR Regional Best Project Award for Thermally Enhanced Bioremediation
- System redesign resulted in an estimated 50% savings in electrical costs and required less general infrastructure, reducing the overall footprint of the remedy.
- A summary of the project and award are located here.
XDD's Weatherable System Design Featured in WaterWorld Magazine - Discharger Aids Bio-cleanup Project
To treat contaminated groundwater at a New Jersey site, XDD Environmental designed and built a system that discharges high volumes of sodium bicarbonate from bulk bags automatically. The system pumps water from the ground, adds a variety of amendments to it, and re-injects the treated water into a different area of the site. The treated water promotes the growth of naturally occurring bacteria in the soil, which break down the contaminants.
Webinar: Treatability Testing for Remedial Applications
Treatability Testing for Remedial Applications
Wednesday September 08, 2021 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
The webinar has concluded. Thank you everyone for attending. If you would like to watch a recording of the webinar, please click here. Also a copy of the presentation can be downloaded and is available here.
The webinar will review the benefits associated with performing treatability studies to increase certainty during the pre-design engineering phase for remedial applications. The presentation will rely heavily on case study examples.
Feel free to forward this information to colleagues/friends who might be interested in this informative webinar.
Michael Marley, M.Sc., CT LEP
XDD Environmental
Mr. Marley is president and cofounder of XDD Environmental, with over 40 years of experience in environmental and civil engineering. He has experience with a full array of remediation technologies and has worked at the forefront of developing design and application protocols for several technologies including, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO). He performs peer reviews of articles submitted to several remediation journals, including Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, and proposals submitted to the U.S. Department of Defense’s environmental R&D program (SERDP). He has published numerous articles and contributed chapters in several monographs and books.
Laurel Crawford, M.Sc.
XDD Environmental
Laurel is a Lab/Project Manager with over 21 years of relevant experience in environmental and laboratory projects. She has an extensive background in various environmental remediation technologies including in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), bioremediation, and air sparge and soil vapor extraction (AS/SVE). Laurel is also the laboratory manager at XDD, whose responsibilities include day to day operations, proposal development, and bench scale testing design, oversight, and data interpretation.
In Situ Chemical Oxidation: State of the Art vs. State of the Practice
Webinar on In Situ Chemical Oxidation: State of the Art vs. State of the Practice
Thursday September 02, 2021 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
The webinar has concluded. Thank you everyone for attending. If you would like to watch a recording of the webinar, please click here. Also a copy of the presentation can be downloaded and is available here.
- Provide some basic theory on how in situ chemical oxidation works.
- Some basic design principles to assist in goal achievement for the remedy.
- A few case studies demonstrating the principles discussed during the webinar.
Feel free to forward this information to colleagues/friends who might be interested in this informative webinar.
Michael Marley, M.Sc., CT LEP
XDD Environmental
Mr. Marley is president and cofounder of XDD Environmental, with over 40 years of experience in environmental and civil engineering. He has experience with a full array of remediation technologies and has worked at the forefront of developing design and application protocols for several technologies including, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO). He performs peer reviews of articles submitted to several remediation journals, including Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, and proposals submitted to the U.S. Department of Defense’s environmental R&D program (SERDP). He has published numerous articles and contributed chapters in several monographs and books.
Dennis Keane, M.Sc., P.G. (NH)
XDD Environmental
Dennis is a Geologist at XDD’s Stratham, NH office with over 26 years remediation experience. He has an in-depth technical and a practical understanding of many in situ technologies, including the application of innovative remediation solutions for contaminated sols and groundwater. Mr. Keane lectures nationally on the design and application of remedial technologies for VOCS, SVOCs, and inorganics.
Soil Vapor Extraction: State of the Art Design and Operation
Tuesday August 31, 2021 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST
The webinar has concluded. Thank you everyone for attending. If you would like to watch a recording of the webinar, please click here. Also a copy of the presentation can be downloaded and is available here.
- Provide some basic theory on how soil vapor extraction works.
- Some basic design principles to assist in goal achievement for the remedy.
- A case study on the application of these principles.
Feel free to forward this information to colleagues/friends who might be interested in this informative webinar.
Michael Marley, M.Sc., CT LEP
XDD Environmental
Mr. Marley is president and cofounder of XDD Environmental, with over 40 years of experience in environmental and civil engineering. He has experience with a full array of remediation technologies and has worked at the forefront of developing design and application protocols for several technologies including, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, and in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO). He performs peer reviews of articles submitted to several remediation journals, including Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation, and proposals submitted to the U.S. Department of Defense’s environmental R&D program (SERDP). He has published numerous articles and contributed chapters in several monographs and books.
Dennis Keane, M.Sc., P.G. (NH)
XDD Environmental
Dennis is a Geologist at XDD’s Stratham, NH office with over 26 years remediation experience. He has an in-depth technical and a practical understanding of many in situ technologies, including the application of innovative remediation solutions for contaminated sols and groundwater. Mr. Keane lectures nationally on the design and application of remedial technologies for VOCS, SVOCs, and inorganics.
PFAS Remediation Overview featured in Midwest Energy Association Publication
XDD’s Vice President Dennis Keane authored an article titled “PFAS Remediation: Where Are We…
Read MoreSoil and Groundwater Remedial Technologies for Common Contaminants

XDD provides A to Z services with regard to the design, testing and implementation of in situ enhanced bioremediation for soil and groundwater remediation. In 2013, XDD acquired the laboratory equipment and microbial cultures from Bioremediation Consultants, Inc. (BCI), incorporating one of the premier biotreatability and bioaugmentation laboratories in the country with XDD’s own services. XDD can now provide in-house biotreatability and bioaugmentation microcosm studies in support of our designs, offering a complete ISB evaluation and design package. Each of these services can be used individually, but the best results are obtained when these services are used together as part of an integrative approach. These services include:
XDD’s decades of experience and recent acquisition of BCI.
Anaerobic and aerobic technologies for common and emerging contaminants.
Microcosm Studies: XDD provides the ability to bench test several enhanced bioremediation technologies at once and can use either XDD’s in-house microorganisms for bioaugmentation or those naturally occurring in the site soil and groundwater.
Design and Engineering: XDD has designed enhanced bioremediation projects using several different application strategies. Our in-depth understanding of in situ bioremediation remediation and enhancement methods allows us to recommend the optimal solution for each site.
Implementation: XDD is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record.
XDD provides A to Z services with regard to the design, testing and implementation of in situ chemical Reduction (ISCR) for soil and groundwater remediation. Each of these services can be used individually, but the best results are obtained when these services are used together as part of an integrative approach. These services include: Bench Scale Treatability Tests: XDD provides one of the nation’s leading bench testing facilities. Design: XDD has designed a significant number of projects using several different application strategies depending upon the site geology and project goals. Implementation: XDD is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record. We have successfully implemented ISCR to treat both large and small sites with numerous site-specific challenges. Our engineers and scientists have experience in the following chemistry systems:
Zero Valent Iron (ZVI)
Bi-Metallic Particles
Metal Sulfides
XDD has applied over 2.5 million pounds of oxidant at over 80 sites. We provide A to Z services with regard to the design, testing and implementation of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) for soil and groundwater remediation. Each of these services can be used individually, but the best results are obtained when these services are used together as part of an integrative approach. These services include: Bench Scale Treatability Tests: XDD provides one of the nation’s leading ISCO bench testing facilities.
XDD has designed a significant number of projects using several different application strategies including direct injection, pull-push, and re-circulation. Our in-depth understanding of each technology allows us to select the optimal chemistry for each site.
XDD is renowned for our high quality implementation services with a stellar health and safety record. We have successfully implemented ISCO to treat both large and small sites with numerous site-specific challenges including:
Active/operational industrial facilities,
Sensitive and restricted areas at government facilities,
Busy commercial districts,
Suburban neighborhoods requiring XDD to be off site daily before local schools let out,
and many others.
XDD was among the first companies to apply activated persulfate and stabilized hydrogen peroxide. XDD regularly publishes book chapters, assists on guidance documents, presents at national conferences, and completes government funded field and bench studies. Our engineers and scientists have experience in the following oxidant systems:
Iron-chelate activated
Alkaline activated
Naturally activated
Hydrogen Peroxide
Catalyzed Hydrogen Peroxide (e.g. Fenton’s Reagent)
Stabilized Hydrogen Peroxide
Acidified Hydrogen Peroxide
XDD is nationally recognized in the design, evaluation and implementation of air sparge (AS), soil vapor extraction (SVE) and thermally enhanced SVE (TSVE) technologies for soil and groundwater remediation. XDD personnel have employed SVE technologies at hundreds of sites in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. XDD staff helped pioneer these remedial technologies with the first U.S. application of air sparging in 1989 and later authored the American Petroleum Institute’s Air Sparging Guidance Document. Furthermore, XDD — working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) — developed an SVE closure program for the Picillo Farm Superfund Site in Coventry, RI which subsequently served as the basis for the EPA’s national SVE site closure guidance document. XDD has vast experience evaluating, designing, and implementing AS/SVE systems in conjunction with other technologies such as oxygen biosparging, bioventing, enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD), biostimulation, and aerobic trench systems.
Sometimes groundwater extraction and treatment (also known as pump and treat – P&T) makes the most sense for sites where:
Capital expenditures for other remedial technologies are significant relative to long-term operation and maintenance of an extraction system
Subsurface conditions are not amenable to other in situ remedial technologies
Sensitive receptors are located immediately downgradient of groundwater impacts
Regulations require hydraulic capture
As XDD is not invested in pushing a singular in-situ remedial technology, we have designed, installed, and operated a number of remedial systems involving hydraulic capture. Tasks completed by XDD include:
Superfund level groundwater and fate and transport modeling
Well, conveyance, and equipment construction design and installation oversight
Value engineering and design calculations to meet discharge permitting requirements
Operation, maintenance, and monitoring services
In situ thermal remediation involves the injection of energy into the subsurface to either destroy or mobilize and recover volatile and semi-volatile organic contaminants. XDD has experience in the evaluation and implementation of several thermal remedial technologies. XDD’s thermal experience has allowed our clients to address environmental liabilities for soil impacts with relatively low vapor pressures (semi-volatile organic chemicals and metals) and in soils where climatic conditions make unmodified SVE impracticable. Additionally, thermal technologies can be used to increase biologically mediated transformation rates for many dissolved contaminants. XDD is currently applying steam enhanced SVE to accelerate removal of hundreds of thousands of pounds of di-, and tri- chlorobenzenes at a mid-west industrial facility to meet the EPA required remedial clean-up time frames.